
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

'It's possible for one man to get out through the wire, even get away, but there are in fact a considerable number of people besides yourself in this camp who are trying to escape.'
-The Great Escape

Not that I am alluding to the fact that life is a prison sentence by any means, I quite enjoy mine to be frank, life that is.  I have gone through the waves of my own personal 'lost' state. Recently I have been meeting and engaging with people with the same conundrum. I use that term lightly because I don't necessarily believe it is a state of 'concern' or 'alarm' that requires fixing of any sort. I have come to terms with the fact that it might just be what my life in particular is about. 
I have let go of quite a many things in the recent years of my life and I would love to chalk it up to experience, time, healing, pain and loss. In addition to attributing this 'growth', if you will, to discovering new adventures and genuine people to partake in such journeys with. I feel that is what makes up the road map to a 'successful' life. Acknowledging what and how you feel in the moment. Taking circumstances and occurrences and deciding, actively, how to react to them and how you feel about them. 
I had a brief moment of zen one morning in which I found myself in an uncomfortable Uber ride at 7AM on a Monday on my way to work which escalated in the driver picking a fight of the nature of 'femenism' with the Hollywood cops just to end up missing my train and waiting 15 more minutes until the next one (which makes a difference when you factor in a Starbucks run into your morning routine). As I walked down onto the now abandoned platform, since everyone else seemed to be able to catch my train, I had a choice to make- Will I let this dictate my morning? And if so, how? 
What I decided- I threw on Simon & Garfunkle in lieu of Perfect Circle (my go to when I am feeling miffed) and embraced the fact that I was graced with enough time on a lonely metro platform to read an extra 10 pages of my current book 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance' (which I highly recommend to all)
Making a decision to be present in every moment, even the ones you would rather escape from, that is living. Choosing your reaction and owning the decisions you make, that is zen.